Step-by-Step Process on Banglarbhumi Khatian Plot information, Land Records or WB land record, RS-LR plot, Land Conversion Application, Land Classification info, Mutation Application, GRN Search, Reprint Application…..
Banglarbhumi is the Web Land Records official website for West Bengal State. West Bengal is not only the biggest and highest populated state in India but also is the leader of land reforms in the country. 1.5 million Bargadars / Sharecroppers are present in the state of West Bengal which is highest in the country. It also consists of 3 million Patta holders. We are also explain how to check Banglarbhumi Khatian Plot Information Details by click on the link. Some of the services provided by the website of Banglarbhumi are:
Wеѕt Bеngаl hаѕ managed tо distribute 23% оf thе lаnd іn Indіа аnd оthеr beneficiaries іn оthеr соuntrіеѕ bу 53%. It аlѕо dосumеntеd оvеr 15 lаkh Bаrgаdаrѕ оr a Shаrесrорреr, whісh іѕ a record bесаuѕе іt wаѕ nоt mаdе аnуwhеrе еlѕе іn thе соuntrу. Wеѕt Bengal hаѕ аlѕо bееn able tо distribute lаnd tо mоrе thаn 5.6 lаkh bеnеfісіаrіеѕ. Thеrе аrе оvеr 30 lаkh Pаttа hоldеrѕ іn thіѕ ѕtаtе. All оf thіѕ іnfоrmаtіоn саn bе fоund оn thеіr website аt аѕ wеll аѕ аt thе Wеѕt Bеngаl land registry dераrtmеnt.
What was available in
The Land and Reforms Department of West Bengal has made it easy to find documents concerning citizens land online on their People can easily find Khatian and plot information on that website. This means that you can now check if the property is real and its value through the Banglarbhumi website. People cannot be easily tricked to buy lands that do not exist because all the land details are online. Other services offered by the site include; Banglarbhumi Mutation case status where you get complete information on West Bengal land reform plot information, mutation and rules to be followed.
Banglarbhumi Signup or Banglarbhumi Public Registration Form at
Aspirants who are living in West Bengal state and who are doing Real Estate business WB state those citizens may have to signup in Banglar Bhumi official website. The Banglarbhumi Signup Registration procedure are as follows….
- Please logon into official web portal
- Then Middle of the Homepage hit the tab i.e ‘Signup’.
- A ‘Public Registration Form’ will be shown on the screen.
- Fill the mandatory fields (*) as shown in the Registration Form.
- Type your First Name, Last Name, Guardians Name, Address for correspondence
- Then you can also type your District Name, Pin Code etc.
- Everyone must enter the valid ‘Email Address’. Because you can get OTP to your Email. Kindly enter the OTP at ‘Email OTP’
- Finally you must enter working Mobile Number and OTP sent to your Mobile.
- Choose the Password and hit on ‘Submit‘.
That’s it you can get a Confirmation Mail from Banglarbhoomi website.
How to Search Banglarbhumi Khatian Plot information at
The Banglarbhumi website has made it easier for people to check out the value of different lands in different places before making a purchase. The following are steps on how one can search Banglarbhumi Khatian plot information on the land value;
- Log into the Banglarbhumi official website at
- On the home page, come to the menu column on the top of the screen.
- Point the mouse on “Citizen Service”.
- Click on ‘Know your Property’ option, and you will be redirected to another page containing Khatian and plot information.
- On that page, select your district name, your block name and the name of your Mouza on the provided list.
- According to your preference, you can either search for the Khatian number or the plot number.
- Enter the Khatian or the plot number and click on the ‘submit’ option.
- You will get all the relevant information about Banglarbhumi Khatian and plot information.
Banglarbhumi website has made the whole process easier because everything is done online you don’t have to go the land and reforms department.
How to Check Banglarbhumi RS-LR plot Information at
- Go to the website or
- You can see a lot of tabs on the menu bar – Home, About Us, DLRS, SLUB, Thika Tenancy, Land Acquisition, Acts / Rules / G.O, Citizen Services, Training, LRTT, Admin.
- One of the tabs is of Citizen Services. Just move your cursor on Citizen Services tab.
- There you can see another sub-menu where you have to click on RS-LR plot information.
- When the RS-LR Plot Information page loads it will show you fields like District, Block, and Mouza.
- Then carefully select your District Name, Block Name, and Mouza Name
- Now you would get two options to choose from: Sabek Dag > Hal Dag (LR Plot No.) and Hal Dag > Sabek Dag (RS Plot No.)
- Carefully enter your respective Plot No. and click on the submit button.
- Now it would display your entire plot information.
3) Application Forms
The Government of West Bengal provides application forms for various job posts on the website. Whenever there is a vacancy in government department it publishes a notice on the website so that the common citizens of West Bengal can apply for the post. You can find the Application forms on the sub-menu of Citizen Services.
Banglarbhumi Mutation Case Status
You can also check the Banglarbhumi Mutation Case Status of any mutation case. If you don’t know what is mutation of a property then let me enlighten you.
Mutation is the change of ownership when a property is transferred or sold from one person to another. When a property is mutated, then the new owner gets the property changed to his name in the land and revenue department and the government can now charge property tax from the new owner.
The process and the fee payable can vary from state to state.
In order to check the status of any mutation case follow the below instructions:
- Click on Mutation Case Status on the sub-menu of Citizen Services
- When the webpage loads you will get two options to choose from.
Banglarbhumi is a famous website mostly used by the people in West Bengal state. It is popularly known for its features of checking and searching information online about Lands and Land Reforms. This site came into existence in 2010 under the government of West Bengal. Banglarbhumi is also available through an online Android application for the state West Bengal. It is specifically designed for examining the status of mutation cases from anywhere and anytime.
How to Check Land Classification Information in ?
Similarly visit the official website and then move your cursor to the Citizen Service and under this click on land classification. You will be redirect to the new web page and in the new page you will have to select district from the drop down menu and select your desired district whose Land Classification Information, you want to know.
- Log into the Banglarbhumi official website at
- On the home page, click on the mutation case reputation option.
- A sub-menu will appear on the citizen services available menu on the home page.
- Click on the ‘land classification’ option.
- You will be redirected to a new webpage where you will get a drop-down menu and select your district name of the land classification you want to know.
- Details will appear on your screen on the code and the classification of land.
How to Fill West Bengal Land Conversion Application in ?
To fill conversion application, you will have to follow these simple steps as discussed in the following Steps.
- First of all you should visit website
- After the website is completely opened, you are able to see a menu on the upper most of the web page.
- There is four menu option is shown. These are Online Application, Service Delivery, Citizen Service and Help.
- From the available options, you will have to move your mouse pointer to the Online Application.
- There also five option available as shown i.e Mutation Application, Conversion Application, Fees Payment, Application GRN Search and Application/Receipt Reprint.
- Among the available options under the Online Application, you will have to click on Conversion Application.
- Now you are able to see in the new page online Conversion Application form.
- Fill all the detail about yourself and about your plot, such as you name, father name, mobile number, Aadhaar number and add plot details.
- After that click on submit and you will see you application reference number in the next page. Keep it with you as it is used to view your application status in the future.
How to Fill Banglarbhumi Mutation Application in ?
To apply for the Mutation Application follow the above procedure till the step 5 and then after that follow the Steps as discussed below.
- Follow the Same process Above upto Step 5 Click on Mutation Application under the sub menu of Online Application.
- After that you will be redirected to the Mutation Application form in the next page
- Fill all the details in this page such as applicant name, father name, email id, district, Deed Number, registry Office and fill Buyer detail such as name, father name, caste, gender, tenant type, email id and otp after filling the email id to verify the email id.
- After that click on submit button and upload your documents in a PDF file which should not be more than 2 MB.
- After that click on upload and then you will be given a reference number. Note it at some safe place as it is used to view your application status in the future.
Caution: If you have multiple documents then you have to scan all documents in one file and then upload it because application only allow one file upload.
How to know the Mutation Plot Khatian Status in
Mutation Plot Khatian Status is one of the added service in the website. Here we will explain indetail on that service are as follows….
- Please visit the official web page.
- Logon into your details. After logon into the website click on “Citizen Services” tab
- After you can choose the “Mutation Plot Khatian Status” option.
- A page will be display on the screen.
- Then you can choose one option either Plot wise Search or Khatian wise Search.
- You can choose the plot wise search just enter plot no, choose district, block and mouza or you can choose the khatian wise search just you can enter your khatian number and the other details are same.
- Enter the Captcha code and click on Submit
Detailed procedure on Fees Payment in
As discussed above follow the procedure to visit the website and under the sub menu of Online Application click on Fees payment and follow below procedure to submit your fees online.
- After that you will be redirected to the new page i.e, collection of fees.
- After that select the request type such as conversion, mutation, etc and then fill application number, captcha shown and click on next.
- You will be redirected to the fees payment secure gateway. There, select your preferred mode of payment and bank.
- After you will be redirected to you bank portal. Fill all the details and then and logon to your account and then fill the OTP that is send to your register mobile number and click on submit to submit the fees.
About Application GRN Search in ?
Visit the website as discussed above and then click on Application GRN Search under the sub menu of Online Application. After that in the new page enter GRn No, Application No and fill the captcha. After that click on submit to see all details about your search.
Procedure How to Reprint Application / Receipt in
To reprint application receipt, visit website and then click on Application/Receipt reprint under the sub menu of Online Application. After that in the new page select request type, fill application number and type captcha text shown.
- Log into the Banglarbhumi website at
- On the homepage, you will see a menu on the top most of that page.
- A four menu option will appear, and it contains; online application, service delivery, citizen service and help.
- Move your mouse pointer to the online application from the available options.
- Five options will appear on the screen as follows; mutation application, conversion application, fees payment, application GRN search and the application/receipt reprint.
- Under the online application sub-menu, click on the application/receipt reprint.
- You will be redirected to a new page, select the request type, fill in the application number and the captcha code and click on ‘next‘ option.
- Your application receipt will appear, click on print and save your application receipt in PDF format.
Complete info on Services Delivery Tab in website
Service delivery have 5 options under the menu i.e, ROR Request in which you can calculate ROR Request fees, Plot info. request in which you can calculate Plot info. request fees, Plot map request in which you can calculate Plot map request fees, Request GRN search in which you can search for GRN and in the last Application / Receipt reprint in which you can reprint your application receipt.
Case Wise Search & Deed Wise Search
- If you want to follow the case wise search then select the district, block, Mouza, case number and click on submit button.
- If you want to follow the deed wise search then click on deed wise search and enter the deed no and deed year and click on submit.
- The result will be displayed which will show the status of the mutation case.
The above-listed services are provided by the or website. If you follow the step by step instructions then you can easily check your Banglarbhumi Khatian & Plot information or Banglarbhumi RS-LR Plot information or any other service provided by the website.
The Banglarbhoomi website made easier for the people of the West Bengal to get the information about land reforms. After getting the desired information, you can download or print the details if you want to.
Name Sakil Uzzaman
vill sarfarajpur
p.o punra
p.s baduria
dist north 24 pgs
pin 743427
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